Alpha Network Mining app Withdrawal Process Start | Alpha Coin sell Process | Earn Money

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How does Alpha Network Work?

Alpha network application 
Similar to gaming apps, the Alpha network has a straightforward easy-to-use app where users can log in with their email or Facebook account, press a button, and earn 0.5 coins per hour until the 500 million coin supply is depleted. The app also has a “boost” feature that allows users to watch 15-second ads to earn extra coins. Users can also increase their mining speed by inviting others to join.
Recently, the developers added a LootBox feature that allows users to open a reward box and triple the reward by watching an ad.

Alpha Network Mining
According to the Alpha Network whitepaper, the "mining" process uses virtual mining nodes (VMNs) that require little or no computing power. VMNs are online hardware that spawns nodes on behalf of the user so that when users press an app button, it starts a cloud mining session that lasts for 24 hours.

Project phases
The Alpha network app was launched in April 2021 for Android devices, and the developers are working to expand the scope of the project in 3 phases:
  1. Launching mining apps for Google Play and Apple Store as well as developing a wallet app within 3-6 months
  2. Running a wallet application and allowing users to make transactions. The developers also state that the next steps are "big and will be revealed"
  3. At this stage, the initial mining pool of 500 million coins will be exhausted as more users join and the developers will release the physical mining node (PMN) software for PC and users will participate in the decision making of the project.
As of June 2021, an Android-only app has been launched and has been downloaded over 100,000 times from the Google Play Store.

Why do we think Alpha Network is not a good investment of your time?
As the short document makes clear, the developers are being vague about the mining process after the limited supply is exhausted. Additionally, there are several red flags surrounding this app:

A white paper that lacks detail
Most cryptocurrency white papers are initially published with common information about the currency and the future and improve as the project evolves. However, the Alpha Network whitepaper is less detailed than a typical cryptocurrency whitepaper. It is short and does not provide any details if they will develop their own blockchain or use existing blockchains for future transactions.

Still not available on the iOS AppStore
Although the developers say they have passed the first phase of launching apps for Google Play and iOS app stores, only the app is available for Android users. As we mentioned in our Eagle Network article, the lack of an iOS app means that the app has not yet passed AppStore verification, which is more stringent than Google Play.

However, creating an iOS app is not a big challenge and they can release it soon.

Download and register 
Here is my Alpha Network invite code. Use invite code: AMHURAIRA. Download the app at and get 1 Alpha Coin for free!

Fixed decrease in Supply
According to the published whitepaper and Google Play statistics:

the currency has a limited supply of 500 million tokens
each active user can earn at least 12 tokens per day
the application has been installed more than 100 thousand times
the application has been rated +3 thousand times in the Google Play store
These statistics indicate a growth in the user population and the coin supply should decrease based on user growth. However, a user of the app stated on his YouTube channel that he monitored the supply for 6 days in a row and found that exactly 600 tokens were being depleted from the supply every hour. This indicates indiscriminate mining between users, which is somewhat impossible to believe, as new users can join and old users can use LootBox to increase mining speed or skip mining for a period of time.

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